FIAC, Foire internationale d’art contemporain, 17-20 October 2019, Paris
The all-encompassing exhibition representing painting, sculpture, photography, installations, videos, performances, and digital arts. ShareFounded in Paris in 1974, the International Contemporary Art Fair [Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain] brings together modern and contemporary art galleries. FIAC Galleries brings together around 200 exhibitors in the Grand Palais, including many of the most influential specialists worldwide in the fields of modern art, contemporary art and design. It presents the finest examples of artistic creation since the turn of the twentieth century; modern masters through to the latest trends, notably represented in the Lafayette Sector created in 2009 to encourage young galleries in their chosen path by providing financial support to facilitate their presence at FIAC.
With its public programmes, FIAC also pursues a desire to broaden the range and scope of the venues made available to galleries and artists, thus making the intimate experience of creation accessible to the widest possible audience. FIAC Projects presents, in collaboration with a different curator every year, some forty sculptures and installations in situ at the Petit Palais, on the Avenue Winston Churchill (pedestrianized during FIAC week) and around the Grand Palais.
FIAC Hors les Murs is a parcours inviting the public to discover a cartography of installations presented at some of the most prestigious locations in Paris: in the Tuileries Gardens, on the Place Vendôme, on the Place de la Concorde, and in the Musée national Eugène Delacroix.
FIAC Programmes presents, for the duration of the fair, a freely accessible programme of performances (Parades for FIAC), conferences (Conversation Room), and screenings of artits’films (Cinéphémère). FIAC is also an occasion to explore the rich and varied exhibition programme on view in Paris: museums and cultural institutions offer a wide range of exhibitions during FIAC week. On the Thursday of the fair, numerous galleries participate in Gallery Night, offering openings, encounters with artists, book signings, along with art and design exhibitions.
The next edition of FIAC will take place from 17 to 20 October 2019 at Grand Palais, Avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris.