Volta New York: Contemporary Art Fair March 6–10, 2019
Volta New York is a contemporary art fair comprised of solo projects by leading and emerging international artists. ShareThe American incarnation of the original Basel Volta show, Volta New York has since its 2008 debut operated as a beacon for creative discovery and social engagement during Armory Arts Week. Led by Amanda Coulson, Volta’s longtime Artistic Director, Volta showcases contemporary art positions in an approachable way accessible to younger art-lovers and seasoned collectors alike.
Additionally, VOLTA partners with the New York City Department of Education to provide free fair access for all New York City Public High School students and teachers, and National Academician Education Committee members will advise high school students through instruction and immersive tours around the fair.
During public hours, the NAD will supplement its exhibition with salon-style artist talks that pair NAs with members, collaborators, and new media professionals, providing fair attendees the opportunity to hear from the artists themselves about their influences and processes. Confirmed salons include: Frances Barth, NA with Rebecca Cleman (Director of Distribution, Electronic Arts Intermix); Elizabeth King, NA with Mike Belzer (professional animator, collaborated on King’s stop-motion film What Happened, on view at the fair); and Mary Lucier, NA with Donna Dennis, NA.
Volta New York takes place in March 6–10, 2019 at Solo Focus – Global Vision Pier 90, New York.
Visit Volta New York – https://www.voltaartfairs.com/