Supercar Capsule, the ultimate private showroom for your supercar collection
The Supercar Capsule project is a new concept aimed towards car lovers and enthusiasts who go the extra mile for understanding and appreciating an automobile’s qualities. ShareUnlike other types of residential architecture and design, the Supercar Capsule is dedicated to showcasing your car in a space designed just for it: that is to say, your private luxury car showroom. A palette of unique ports that keep the automobile in a closed space and emerge as if from a dedicated place. After all, your car should get just as much attention as your home and its design, and even contribute to its aesthetic experience. Supercar Capsule is powered by the Italian consultancy firm ASZarchitetti Group, which comprises ASZarchitetti and SUPERFUTUREDESIGN*. Together they number more than 400 projects in the luxury retail, commercial and residential sectors, across Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Throughout its 20 years career, ASZ Group has achieved excellence in proposing innovative design solutions for the most demanding clients and has reached a broad global recognition reflected in awards and press publications. The turn key formula in the company’s service is the balance between a strong creative approach by SUPERFUTUREDESIGN* and the remarkable management skill of ASZarchitetti, delivering projects on time, on budget, and always beautiful.
The solution the brand proposes is to put hand in the building sector transforming the current garage spaces into habitable parts of the house, producing as a consequence a greater involvement of areas which often remain left over.
Every project can reach as far as your individuality requires, since the Supercar Capsules are tailored upon your needs. Each Supercar Capsule can go beyond the limit in terms of customization. This is because they are custom made in every new setting, so you see the construction develop from the ground up. You can choose from a plethora of custom options to make sure your Supercar Capsule aligns with your needs, style, property bonds, villa type and car park size.
Nonetheless, to maintain steady efficacy in each project, the design is based on a range of predefined configurations. These are used as a pinboard for every customized project.
Supercar Capsule is a UAE based company that conveys the expertise of professional architects, designers and engineers into the creation of every big-boy’s dream: the complete enjoyment of his passion. Not only the brand can give a distinctive character to your villa, with iconic customized auto ports, but it will also help you to really bring your supercar in the daily life. Whether it’s sport, luxury or vintage, your car is a masterpiece of technology and design: too beautiful to be parked undercover in a dusty garage.